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Today I learned the magic behind pacing myself and taking breaks. Sometimes I am so sick it literally feels like I can’t do anything. Cooking, cleaning and taking care of the lil ones takes so much out of me that every second on my feet is like walking on hot coals. I forgot to mention one of the biggest obstacles I face during all of my pregnancies is Hyperemesis Gravidarum, I have been meaning to blog and vlog about this condition but anyone who has ever dealt with it knows that making plans to do things is impossible when you’re dealing with the devil.

 I woke up feeling like I could die, staying in bed all day and not looking at my phone once was a tempting thought but then my 2 year old woke up and that plan went out of the window. After youtubing some prenatal yoga videos and workouts that I didn’t dare attempt I fed the kids and decided to go ahead and try cleaning up a bit. 

My plan was to sweep and mop the kitchen and clean the bathroom so that I could take a bath. I started by sweeping the kitchen and changing the kitty litter box of course these always take longer with my daughter Jordan (the 2 year old) popping in every five seconds to show me some scribble art or to ask for water or snacks. After I finally swept the kitchen and cleaned the box I was wiped out (embarrassing) but I kept going and swept the bathroom I felt the heartburn coming up and then the nausea and lightheadedness at that point I put back my broom and mop and stopped.

If I get back to it later I do, if not thats fine. Its taken me a minute but I am starting to get comfortable with doing what I can or at least doing something good enough, its how I manage to get anything done at all. When you are pregnant and in pain, feeling like crap its easy to just say screw it and not do anything. Usually when I don’t do anything at all I feel like crap for not getting things done, but now I am learning that every little bit counts and if all I can manage is to sweep its better than nothing at all. 

Going back to mop the floor isn’t going to be as hard as starting from the bottom, and thats how I will look at tasks from now on. Its all about starting and doing what you can. The guilt of not doing everything at once has been my downfall for too long now I am going to have to do what I can. Also I am learning that there are going to be times when I can’t do anything and I have to learn to deal with that without beating myself up emotionally about it. Here are some more get it done tips I find helpful when doing nothing is the easier option.

1. Make a list of what needs to be done in order from most to least urgent and start with the easiest task, whatever you can’t finish can go on a new list to do later.

2. Take advantage of the good times. There may only be a few minutes a day that you actually feel like some housework, a workout or even a shower won’t kill you, I call this power hour, USE IT! When you feel most energized get up and do that thing you have been meaning to do but remember to pace yourself, its easy to overexert yourself when you feel like superwoman and that will only set you back more later.

3. Take a break. When you have an unavoidable amount of work ahead of you do it in short sessions and then take a break. Stop and take a shower,have some coffee or tea (I know its bad but we’ll get back to that one later) Listen to some music anything that will relax you and baby. A break is my way of stopping something without guilt because it implies I am coming back to it which makes it easier to pull myself away. I HATE to stop in the middle of things. 

4. Pass your “to-do later” list on to your hubby or partner. Asking for help is another one of those things I hate to do especially when it comes to cleaning because I know I can do it better but right now I see that sometimes I need to do it just to get things done. Team work makes the dream work.

5. Kill the guilt. Do what you can and leave the guilt at the door. It’s gonna take time to let it go but realizing that sometimes all you can do is your best RIGHT NOW is gonna be a life saver. Don’t worry you can crank it back up after the baby.


Pregnancy Blues… Mega Mama RANT!!!!

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I know that all of my loyal followers *insert sarcasm* have been wondering where I have been and why my posts have suddenly come to a halt, and after months of sitting in a dark hole of sickness and depression I have decided that the best medicine right now is to do something I love so here I am sharing more of my ramblings with the world aka the 20 people who currently follow my blog and don’t bother to read it. 

Anyway I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child and while most days I am happy and excited about the beautiful life that is growing inside of me and all of the love my family is going to shower him/her with, some days I just feel like I have been hit by a bus and it isn’t just physical exhaustion it’s in my mind. I feel depressed and helpless. Most days I am sick the entire day and all I want to do is sleep and hide under a blanket, which would be easy except I have two lil ones here who need me. I don’t get days off from being a mom. 

My five year old son and daughter wake up at 7:45am almost without fail and sadly I am usually just getting to sleep at 6am between throwing up, heartburn and the baby kicking me all night I am lucky if I can get 45 minutes of sleep before the day officially starts. By the end of the week I am in a horrible mood and ready to scream. 

I don’t feel like myself and I don’t even look like myself. Seriously throwing up everyday ten times a day sometimes more will leave you looking like a zombie, NOT SEXY. I don’t feel sexy, I don’t wanna have sex and honestly just taking a shower takes everything in me. Standing and walking hurt like hell I have t start with a slow hunched over limp and then progress into walking. It feels like this baby is going to fall out any second.

I literally hate life right now, then I get to look at all the happy glowing pregnant mothers enjoying the miracle and it makes me want to slap them! YES I FEEL A VIOLENT RAGE. To make matters worse being the introvert that I am, instead of calling someone and talking about it and venting to a friend I decide to internalize it all, only to sit up at 3am angry at everyone for “not caring about me” I am actually not sure if I am upset because I am not giving my friends and family a chance to care or if I am upset because I actually know that if they did have the chance they literally would not care and now I am giving them an excuse for not caring later. 

Just writing this is making me feel guilty for complaining. I know there are women who would love to be in my position. There are women who can’t have children and would take every bad day I have and then some just for the gift of being able to give birth to a beautiful baby or three and they wouldn’t complain. But damn it this is about me and I am going to take a few minutes out and type my frustrations and own them if I fucking want! 


Tomorrow I will insist on doing something that makes me happy. After cleaning up this dump a home spa day is going down and if I have to lock myself away for three hours so be it. My skin, hair and nails deserve to be treated like they belong to someone who gives a fuck about them and its about time I pull myself out of this slump and get my sexy back or at least feel like a person and not some wild animal. Stay tuned! 

*does optimistic prance to the bathroom*