Tag Archives: Chinese couple dies during sex

Talk about a FREAK Accident! Chinese couple falls out of their apartment window while having sex and DIES!!!


Now I’ve been known to find out things a little late, but this??? This is news to me! Apparently a Chinese couple in Wuhan, Central China died this summer while in the middle of having (what I only hope was) the best sex ever!

These two lil mcnasties, were supposedly just gettin it in one hot summer afternoon against a poorly constructed window, but I guess homeboy went for that death stroke and caused the glass to shatter sending the couple plummeting to their death from their apartment window in central China.

Witnesses said that they saw the couple holding each other tightly on the way down and soon after medics arrived to assist but it was too late.

I don’t know, something about this story just amuses all my sick, dark, twisted humor bones and I really can’t stop laughing. No matter how many articles of this story I read they all for some reason are extremely hilarious to me and I feel like a horrible person for getting such a laugh from this tragedy.

To be clear, I don’t find the fact that these two lost their lives while boning at all amusing. But theres just no way I can hear this story and not chuckle, if that makes me a piece of shit then I will wear that badge proudly but I think this really takes the cake when it comes to freak accidents.

Whats the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex, and are windows now out of the question?

Read more about this freak accident here!!!

Till Next Time, Stay PRESSED